Welcome to the Bristol Indiana Heritage Society

News & Announcements

Our next monthly meeting will be at 6:00 pm, Wednesday, April 24, 2024. We will meet at the Bristol Public Library in the Sherwin-Sanger History & Meeting Center.
This meeting will be a “Story Swap” night. Nothing will be recorded, and the purpose is for you to tell (and listen to) the stories you bring. Some stories may give us ideas for future programs.

As always, we continue to collect stories of Bristol as told by you with text, photos, and short videos to be shared with the public. Please come, relax, and learn about the heritage of Bristol, Indiana from your friends.

If you believe that preserving and passing the stories of Bristol forward to future generations is essential for their growth, please come to a meeting and see what we are doing!

Come and See!

Recent Stories

Bristol’s “Old Store” – Whitmer (1924) with Larry App

“Salesman Sam” Whitmer was a colorful man who owned and sold his own merchandise. He never owned the “Old Store,” but operated (rented) it from the App brothers from the end of 1923 through the end of 1924.

Bristol’s “Old Store” – App (1895-1923) with Larry App

In 1895, Herman App began doing business out of the old Probasco store after Finley Nicholson had gone out of business. The new store did business as “H. B. App” in the newspaper ads, and locally he was known by his nickname of “Doc” App.

About Us

Our Beliefs

We believe that documenting a community’s story is the best way to know who we are from the memories and experiences of those who came before us.

We believe that preserving and passing this information forward to future generations is essential for their growth.

Our Mission

“We capture, preserve, and share stories of Bristol, Indiana for its citizens and future generations”

Learn the Story of Bristol, Indiana

Bristol’s Early Story

Where is Bristol, Indiana and how did it come into existence among all of the other “Bristols” in the world?

Choose Stories by Category

Select posts by category to access our collected stories.
The story of Bristol, Indiana is shaped just for you!

Other Resources

Here are some of our other resources for a broader approach.

Bristol Indiana Heritage Society

A Warm Welcome to You by the Founding Members

Penny Bucks
Rosemary McDaniel
Jack Watson
Larry App

How You Can Help

Don’t miss any announcements from us! Please send us an email if you would like to be added to our email list.

Do you, or someone you know, have a story about Bristol, Indiana? We would be glad to interview them.
Would you like to learn how to interview them yourself?

Please email us using this form:

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